Week 16

Having printed our collateral and poster designs we were ready to present to our clients. Having had everything completed by the previous Friday before the actual due date, we felt prepared.

We met on the Monday morning early to finalise what we were each saying, as well to have a final meeting and lunch together as ‘Pop Collective’.

We were nervous going into the meeting, but we believe that we went well during our presentation. Some of the questions asked were a bit tricky to answer, but we held our own. Overall we believe we went rather well and completed the brief to the best of our ability. In hindsight, there were a few things we could have fixed or adjusted to make the brand even better. They are things we will keep in mind for our next projects and take with us into our future practise as professional practitioners.

Overall this has been a fun, engaging and meaningful experience that we have gained much from. This subject and assignment have taught us much in regard to how to deal with clients effectively and work work within a professional environment. These lessons we will take with us into the future. Where we have also gained life long friends.

Week 15

Unfortunately we were not able to meet up this week due to conflicting assignment times. From the previous week we had our tasks, thus we continued to work on them.

Jasmine and Maddie were working on completing the styleguide, and organising the printing for such documents.

Emily was working on finishing the collateral pieces as well as finishing the writing for some of the blog.

Kathryn was working on the final presentation document as well as the speech that would accompany the presentation.

With all our tasks going well, we decided that we would meet early on Monday 18th, to ensure we knew what we had to do and to organise the order of our speaking roles.

Week 14

We were given the ‘go ahead’ for our new concept, the ‘inclusive concept’, at the end of last week by our tutor. Thanks to this we were able to move forward with our designs, finalising the logos and beginning to work on our collateral.

We decided to get together this week to continue working on these designs. We all met up and worked for the majority of the day working on completing the styleguide and collateral pieces.

We also decided that we were going to try and meet up for Week 15, giving us enough time to go over everything that we had.

Week 13

This week, as we were still waiting on feedback from our client, we began to go forward with other aspects that we needed for final assessment so that when we received our feedback we could go back and add or change whatever we needed to.

We began creating our style guide, collateral objects and animations.

Aspects of our style guide:

Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 12.41.24 pm

Some examples of collateral:


Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 12.42.24 pm

Tote BagsScreen Shot 2018-05-31 at 12.42.39 pm

T-shirtsScreen Shot 2018-05-31 at 12.42.56 pm

Week 12

This week we were waiting on feedback from our client so we explained our return brief to Jo and the feedback from our first return brief.Screen Shot 2018-05-21 at 1.58.26 pmScreen Shot 2018-05-21 at 1.58.43 pmScreen Shot 2018-05-21 at 1.59.00 pm

She explained to us that we needed to refine our design more including changing the thickness of the circles, the positioning of the tagline and changing the colour palette. she also suggested creating an animation where the smaller circles move around the bigger circle and pass through and bounce off each other.