Week 11

In this class, we all came together to wait for feedback from our clients through email. We decided to print our designs to see what they looked like on paper and how the colours and sizing worked out.

We also spoke to Jo about the return brief we sent to the clients and she helped us refine some of our concepts. After this talk we were able to come up with another concept.

The next day, we received an email back from our clients explaining their thoughts on our return brief and our designs. Overall, it was good feedback, with some things we had to change about our designs.

After receiving this email we worked on the concept that our client liked best and refined it so that we could send it back and see what their thoughts were.

Week 10

After working on the two concepts during the week and putting our own twists on it, we met again on Monday in class to show our work to each other. We decided on the designs we all liked the most for both concepts and began working on them to fine tune them to present to the DRN.
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This week, we all wanted to come to class with our own ideas of what we thought the Disability Research Network brand should look like. We all spoke about and explained our ideas to each other and then each added what we thought could be changed or altered to make them more applicable to the DRN branding.

After speaking to Jo about whether we were on the right track, she told us we should have three concepts to present to our client to see which one they favoured and that we could keep working on for the final presentation.

After telling Jo that we were a bit stuck on where to go from there, she told us to look at designs for brands that we liked and how they had been executed and changed to fit the right brand.



We also looked at the style guide created by Alzheimer’s Australia, shown to us by Gregor. This had many options that helped us with coming up with our own styles for our designs. alzehimers.jpgaustralia .jpg

On Wednesday, we organised to meet at uni again to brainstorm ideas for our three concepts. We were able to come up with two concepts that we all liked and were able to build upon during the week. These two ideas were the ‘Connect the Dots’ concept and the ‘Animal’ concept.

Week 8

During week 8, we completed design and research in our own time, as it was not possible for all of us to attend class. We communicated online, talking about our proposed design and what further was required in terms of the website and group posts.

By the end of this class we had completed more research and had a start on the website menu content. It was planned that we would meet the following Wednesday to continue our ideas and brainstorming.


In week 7, we met with our client for the first time. We introduced ourselves to the client, Lyn Phillipson, from the Disability Research Network at UOW and explained what our brand was about. She explained what the DRN wanted for their brand and further explained the design brief.

We need to develop a visual language that serves purpose, has an impact, promotes collaboration and displays the potential and abilities of people living with disabilities (PLWD), instead of conveying negative connotations.

The Disability Research Network want to build on their existing strengths and their real world impact. They are not linked to any one specific disability or range of conditions including physical/mental. They have a priority of all disability. They aren’t interest in medical sciences, but more social impact. They want to enable social participation and good housing for people living with disabilities. With their brand and the collateral, they wish to also encourage researchers to join their network to build their strengths and widen their abilities to help people living with disabilities.