Design Brief



We need to develop a visual language that serves purpose, has an impact, promotes collaboration and displays the potential and abilities of people living with disabilities (PLWD), instead of conveying negative connotations.

The Disability Research Network want to build on their existing strengths and their real world impact. They are not linked to one specific disability, range of conditions, physical/mental. They have a priority of disability. They aren’t interested in medical sciences ( they are more interested in the social impact). They want to enable social participation and good housing for people living with Disabilities.


  • Brand Name (not necessary but if we feel like there could be a better name, we can try)
  • Workable Identity – an identity we can apply to other things
  • Visual Language – visionary, impact, and purpose.
  • Collateral – to promote – flyers, word of mouth, pamphlets, pens, signage, bracelets (rubber ones), Facebook page/banner/profile picture. They don’t want a website as they don’t have the resources or money to form upkeep, calendar of events, Twitter
  • Something they could embed into the UOW Website


  • Researchers – wanting to recruit more to build their network
  • People living with disabilities (who can be hard to reach because of their disabilities)
  • Carers of people living with disabilities
  • Families of people living with disabilities


  • Move away from stereotypes
  • Deductive symbols – don’t use scientific/geometric symbols
  • Focus on empathy – they are about people
  • Human centred design
  • Help to communicate what they’re about
  • Nothing like UOW branding
  • Workable identity that can be applied to other things
  • Disability standards – think about colour contrast, size of text, audio features
  • Friendly, not scientific
  • Organic
  • Involved (it’s a network of people)